At the Old Exchange – with MG James Livingston, MOH, Retired Marine

Our first week of Summer Adventure Learning Camp had a special visitor joining us at the OLD EXCHANGE. Our focus for the first few days was to visit the Charleston Museum, and then the Old Exchange and Provost Dungeon (the prison used by the British when they arrested the Colonists.) We went on a history adventure and found the Declaration of Independence at the OLD EXCHANGE!

Perhaps the best experience of that week was to be visited by MG James E. Livingston, Media of Honor Recipient and now a retired US Marine. (PS once a marine – always a Marine). Thank you sir for joining us on Thursday, and we so appreciate your years of service.
We share a common goal, and that is to save our history so that we can all learn from our past.
Here is an edited video of the interview. Thanks to IZZY for leading the questions, and for spending time studying the Medal of Honor Society and their contribution to our nation. The book shown here on the left is a compilation of the service members who were recognized for their acts of valor and bravery, honor, all leadership qualities in the service of our nation.
MG Livingston was the only officer receiving the MOH from the Vietnam War.