Backpack Journalist Film Fest – October 6, 2018

Films – Shorts – PLUS fun music

Our first “off-broadway” presentation!

It’s a collection of our short films, mixed with live on stage readings.

10 am to 11:30 am

Come hear from the voices of Judge J. Waties Waring, Septima Clark, Esau Jenkins, Charles “Bud” Ferillo, Cleveland Sellers, Jack Bass, Cecil Williams, and Mamie P. Whitesides as she shares information about the local area Charleston County Public Schools carrying the names of local citizens/educators who made a difference in education for the children in the lowountry.  Hopefully Larry Doby will be heard from (he was from Camden, SC -but our local RiverDogs Stadium carries his name on the upper deck).  Special interviews with Jonathan Green.

Learn about the Maritime Industry in Charleston, SC and meet the SC Harbor Pilots, hear from the US Army Corp of Engineers, plus the SC Ports Authority. Hear about Robert Smalls, and our visit to Beaufort, SC.

A third act?  It’s the fun outtakes fro our Kids Guide to Charleston, SC Summer Camps, with a special tribute to the “Angels at Colonial Lake” – the “Ghosts of Colonial Lake” and the “Backpackers raise the US Flag at Ft. Sumter!” – plus a few extras to include shorts by backpackers who worked on their filmmaking skills this summer using the iPad!

Charleston County Public Library, Calhoun Street, Charleston, SC

October 6, 2018 – 10 am to 11:30